Solidity Deep Dive: Voting Challenge Solution & Mastering Error Handling

Cover Image for Solidity Deep Dive: Voting Challenge Solution & Mastering Error Handling
2 min read
Table of Contents

    Welcome back, Solidity adventurers! In our last post, we embarked on creating a voting smart contract. Many of you took up the challenge to add a function that counts votes for each candidate. Today, we’ll review the solution and explore another crucial aspect of Solidity: error handling.

    Challenge Recap: Counting Votes

    First off, a big thank you to everyone who participated! Let’s discuss the function to count votes. Here’s how you might have implemented it:

    function countVotes(uint _pollIndex) public view returns (string memory) {
        Poll storage p = polls[_pollIndex];
        require(!p.ended, "Poll has ended.");
        string memory results = "";
        for (uint i = 0; i < p.candidates.length; i++) {
            results = string(abi.encodePacked(results, p.candidates[i].name, ": ", uint2str(p.candidates[i].voteCount), "; "));
        return results;

    This function loops through each candidate in the poll, compiling their names and vote counts into a single string. It’s a great way to visually summarize the poll results!

    Mastering Error Handling in Solidity

    Moving on to today’s topic: error handling. Smart contracts handle real value and sensitive transactions, making robust error handling crucial. Solidity provides several ways to handle errors and revert transactions if something goes wrong.

    Common Error Handlers in Solidity

    • Assert: Used to test for internal errors and check invariants. It consumes all gas when it fails.
    • Require: Checks for valid conditions and reverts if the condition is not met, refunding the remaining gas.
    • Revert: Provides a way to stop execution and revert changes, similar to require, but with an error message.

    Example: Safeguarding Against Overflows

    Let’s apply error handling to our voting contract to prevent possible overflows when counting votes.

    function safeVote(uint _pollIndex, uint _candidateIndex) public {
        Poll storage p = polls[_pollIndex];
        require(!p.ended, "Poll has ended.");
        require(_candidateIndex < p.candidates.length, "Invalid candidate index.");
        // Safe addition to protect against overflow
        uint newVoteCount = p.candidates[_candidateIndex].voteCount + 1;
        require(newVoteCount > p.candidates[_candidateIndex].voteCount, "Vote count overflow!");
        p.candidates[_candidateIndex].voteCount = newVoteCount;

    In this modified vote function, we use require to ensure that our vote count doesn’t overflow—an important safeguard.


    Solidity’s error handling capabilities are vital for writing secure smart contracts. They ensure that our contracts behave predictably and safeguard user funds against programming errors.

    Are there other error handling techniques or tips you’d like to explore? Let us know, and we might cover them in future posts! Until next time, happy coding and secure contracting!

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